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Week 1 DQ 1_Organized Crimes

Week 1 DQ 1_Organized Crimes

Q 1. Discuss what distinguishes organized crime from conventional crime? What is franchising and credentialing? How are they used by organized crime? Provide examples of these terms in everyday life and discuss. Media Tool Is this story about the type of organized crime discussed in this chapter? What are the similarities and differences? Is this an example of organized crime? Organized Crime (click here) 2. Media Tool After watching this video, explain why this person get into organized crime? 3. Media Tool What do we learn about Mafia hit men from this video that is applicable to Chapter 2? 23

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1. The other name for organized crime is mafia and this concept is prevalent in many countries till date. The organizational structure is similar to any company where hierarchy is followed. In every level there are bosses to whom one needs to report. On the other hand, conventional crimes refer to the traditional crimes or illegal acts which fall under the category of crimes. It must be noted that most crimes that are committed are conventional crimes.